• Sun Hao was completely confused.

    Sun Hao’s ranking on the list is still ninety-four. The original ranking of the hundred elixirs is in order. It symbolizes that everyone can go in. Standing tall and towering, the heavenly palace gives a magnificent song, and the monks of the heavenly palace sing together, "The banner flutters and the wind howls, and the…

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  • Some people who are waiting for the safety around the palace have heard the most intimate love words between the two emperors.

    Then, after a few days, the emperor went to court, and all the ministers were indecisive, but with a letter, everyone suddenly turned out to be the Empress. Then someone changed the rescue of XuanYuanChu on the shallow day, that is, the Empress never came back, that is, she went to practice with the immortals,…

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  • Rain falls!

    The mighty rain is pouring down like a tear in Tianzeville Genius College. Feel the noise outside, students are crowding behind Professor Charles, Aurora and Scott, and look at the lawn! Feel the lips in the violent wind and rain, open your eyes actively, look at your eyes without blinking, and return to a clear…

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  • "Well, I’ll take you in." Lin Zheng’s face showed a moment of excitement, which made Gao Chen even more puzzled. Is it so exciting to enter this so-called hunter association?

    "Are you from the Hunter Association?" With Lin Zheng just walked into the so-called hunter association behind him, a man sat at the front desk and looked at his faint expression. Gao Chen thought to himself that this should be the attitude of the ninth-order strong! I looked at this hall at random and found…

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  • A sound of "noting …"

    It’s not Jun Yang who is knocking at the door, but the people in the next room who heard the knocking and leaned out to have a look. The man who saw Jun Yang and Shen Qiqi was obviously more surprised than they were. He was stunned for more than ten seconds and suddenly shouted…

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  • 雪亦冰和代耀晨仇报了但清水夜冰和北宫雨游戏才刚刚!

    寄幽岛旅——返回() “好聊啊!”甘芸衫不满抱怨道这个闻名世界危险岛屿愣是一点危险都没有! 代耀晨仿佛看懂了甘芸衫心思向她解释道“芸衫你所没有遇到危险是因这个岛屿最大危险就你身边!” 甘芸衫疑惑不已“什么最大危险?” 代耀晨笑了笑说道“银冰寄幽岛百兽首牙齿锋利可咬断长十米钢筋!毒液致命保证你十秒钟就了天堂了地狱!但这条可怕蛇唯独对夜冰百依百顺! 兰妖美丽银狐如同罂粟使人迷惑杀人于形死前都会带有幸福微笑却不知自己已经被兰妖咬断脖颈吸血而死!现兰妖是我忠实伙伴! 金蒂金毛小狮王!霸气十足凶猛比所有进了这个岛人有一半是被她活活咬死然后生吞或一点一点活活吃掉!现她是冰儿可爱小宠物! 现你懂了吧!” 甘芸衫一脸可思议看着这几个人她们究竟是什么人? 雪亦冰代耀晨说完后就冒了出来一边抚摸着金蒂皮毛一边不满抱怨道“就是就是聊死了!”说着就不满地撅起了小嘴 莫忘辰充满爱意看着雪亦冰那微微撅起小嘴就像是一颗小小樱桃诱惑着他! 莫忘辰伸手一拉就把雪亦冰拉进了自己怀中雪亦冰还没反应过来时候他那冰凉薄唇就附了学疫病樱桃小嘴!恩!好甜! Snow also ice stare big eyes at a loss to see don’t forget Chen this man should kiss yourself! I can’t help but want to break free Don’t forget to hug the snow and ice in one hand. Sandy’s waist is thin, and…

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  • According to the scene, the one who destroyed

    "Come on, no matter what chariots. No matter how powerful it is, it can’t be worse than what I put in the clock of heaven and earth. " According to the scene, the one who destroyed the chariot was probably the broken halberd that Fang Yun met. Now that you have got the most powerful…

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